Los cuatro puntos cardinales son tres: el sur y el norte
Nos encontramos before* el Atlántico, es decir, antes y frente a 1492;
la codificación, no la fecha. Nos situamos en la encriptación, la codificación, el coeficiente, incluso el algoritmo de la primera gran sincronización mundial. 1492, simultáneo a la medianoche del Reloj del Apocalipsis, y por tanto también de la Trinidad**, es, esta vez, el momento en que un meteorito de olivino e hiperesteno, la Piedra del Trueno de Ensisheim***, atraviesa la atmósfera, just before de que Allende, otro meteorito, éste carbonáceo y más antiguo que el sistema solar, caiga cerca de su Pueblito, en el estado de Chihuahua, México en 1969, just un poco before de que otro Allende, Salvador, o mejor dicho su cuerpo, caiga inerte en la Moneda, en 1973. Allende (el Pueblito) se encuentra a unos 889 km de la zona cero de Trinidad, en Alamogordo, en el desierto de Nuevo México, donde la explosión de la bomba Gadget supuso el año cero de la trinidad, que es también el origen de la sincronización planetaria nuclear.
Los cuatro puntos cardinales son tres: el sur y el norte es un ensayo. Es más una tentativa que un test. Más como unos apuntes que un texto. Se podría decir ensamblaje, collage, composición, configuración, caleidoscopio, yuxtaposición, conjugación, imagen, constelación, cosmovisiones.
También podríamos decir sueño e invitación. Por costumbre, decimos exposición.
Amilcar Packer, septiembre de 2022.
Entrance. Flags designed by Charles Mazé & Coline Sunier. Photo A. Mole
Entrance. Designed by Charles Mazé & Coline Sunier. Photo A. Mole.
Trinitite (also known as “Alamogordo” or “Atomsite glass,” material produced by the vitrification of sand during the Trinity nuclear explosion of July 16th, 1945, in New Mexico, United States) & Allende Meteorite (a CV3 carbonaceous chondrite that entered Earth’s atmosphere on February 8, 1969, landing near Pueblito de Allende, in the state of Chihuahua, Mexico). Photo A. Mole.
Exhibition view. Courtesy of the artists. Photo by A. Mole.
Raúl Zurita, Escritura material: ni pena ni miedo [Material writing: neither pain nor fear], 1993. Photographic print. 39 x 39 cm. Courtesy of the artist. Photo by A. Mole.
Ana Mogli Saura, O mais profundo é a pele: depilação subjetiva como transformação corporal [The deepest is the skin: subjective hair removal as a bodily transformation], 2022. Performance video. Sound, color. Duration 20′. Courtesy of the artist. Photo by A. Mole.
Raúl Zurita, Escritura en el Cielo: La vida nueva [Writing on the Sky: The New Life], 1982-2014. 32.7 x 47.8 cm. 15 photographic prints printed on Fabriano paper collected in the artist book La vida nueva by Raúl Zurita. Courtesy of the artist. Photo by A. Mole.
From left to right: Runo Lagomarsino, ContraTiempos, 2010. Projection of 27 slides, loop with timer. Courtesy the artist, Mendes Wood DM, São Paulo and Nils Staerk, Copenhagen. ⦚ Arely Amaut and Radio Apu, Radio Apu (a broadcast in Altkirch), 2017-2022. Video, poster, and wall drawings. Courtesy of the artist. Photo by A. Mole.
Exhibition view. Courtesy of the artists. Photo by A. Mole.
Mitopoemas Yãnomam, 1978. Edited by Olivetti do Brasil S.A. Drawings & texts by Koromani Waica, Mamokè Rorowè and Kreptip Wakatautheri. A project by Cláudia Andujar.
Ventres da Mata Atlântica, Archeological site of Toca da entrada do baixão da vaca, 2019. Courtesy of the artists. Photo by A. Mole.
Ayrson Heráclito, Historia du Futuro: O Corpo no Lago—Capítulo da Hidromancia, 2015. Photographic print on canvas. 210 x 140 cm. Video. Sound, Color. Duration 3’ 19’’. Courtesy of the artist. Photo by A. Mole.
Ana Mogli Saura, Carta-o-o-grafia (passeio regenerative) [Map-and/or-graphy (regenerative walk)], 2022. Photographs, painting on the wall and printed text. Performance: Heliana Batista da Silva, Maria de Fatima Carolino, Marysol and Ana Mogli Saura. Courtesy of the artist. Production CRAC Alsace. Photo by A. Mole.
From left to right: Runo Lagomarsino, ContraTiempos, 2010. Projection of 27 slides, loop with timer. Courtesy the artist, Mendes Wood DM, São Paulo and Nils Staerk, Copenhagen. ⦚ Arely Amaut and Radio Apu, Radio Apu (a broadcast in Altkirch), 2017-2022. Video, poster, and wall drawings. Courtesy of the artist. Photo by A. Mole.
Denise Ferreira da Silva and Arjuna Neuman, Serpent rain, 2016. Video projection. Duration 30′. Production The Bergen Assembly. Courtesy of the artists. Photo by A. Mole.
Denise Ferreira da Silva and Arjuna Neuman, 4 Waters-Deep Implicancy, 2018. Video projection. Duration 29′ 10». Courtesy of the artists and TPW Gallery, Toronto. Photo by A. Mole.
Denise Ferreira da Silva and Arjuna Neuman, Soot Breath-Corpus Infinitum, 2021. Video projection. Duration 40′. Courtesy of the artists and CCA Glasgow. Photo by A. Mole.
Ana Mogli Saura, Encruzilhada das realizações [Opening of the Crossing], 2022. Installation and altars made of various materials, speakers and performance. Music: Anti-Projeto Anarco Fake, Chiquinho do Computador and Ana Mogli Saura. [to the enchanted]. Photo by A. Mole.
Raúl Zurita, Zurita: Tu vida rompiendo-se [Zurita: Your life breaking], 2016. Vinyl record. Courtesy Hueso Records. Photo by A. Mole.
From left to right: Mauricio Iximawëteri Yanomamɨ, Himõu [Authorization Ceremonial, for conflict resolution and information transmission], 2022. ⦚ Hãmã [Visitors], 2022. ⦚ Praɨaɨ [Presentation dance], 2022. ⦚ Hekura pë mɨɨ [The vision of shamans on the lookout for enemy spirits that may be hidden, to drive them away], 2022. Pencil on paper. 29.7 x 42 cm. Courtesy of the artist and Jaider Esbell Gallery of Contemporary Indigenous Art, Boa Vista. Production CRAC Alsace. Photo by A. Mole.
Ana Mogli Saura, Encruzilhada das realizações [Opening of the Crossing], 2022. Installation and altars made of various materials, speakers and performance. Music: Anti-Projeto Anarco Fake, Chiquinho do Computador and Ana Mogli Saura. [to the enchanted]. Photo by A. Mole.
Raúl Zurita, Escritura en el Cielo: La vida nueva [Writing on the Sky: The New Life], 1982-2014. 32.7 x 47.8 cm. 15 photographic prints printed on Fabriano paper collected in the artist book La vida nueva by Raúl Zurita. Courtesy of the artist. Photo by A. Mole.
From left to right: Sheroanawe Hakihiiwe, Hiputu no uhoto [Hiputu snake spirit], 2022. ⦚ Isharomi shinaki [Jay feathers], 2022. ⦚ Sikomi asiki [Edible mushroom], 2022. ⦚ Hii riye riye puriwahi [Spirit of the green pole], 2022. ⦚ Seimi siki [Tangara bird feathers], 2022. ⦚ Haya yemikaki [Game ear mushroom], 2022. ⦚ Atayu wakamoshi [Large caterpillar], 2022. Acrylic on cotton paper. 42.6 x 57.2 cm. Courtesy of the artist and ABRA Gallery Caracas. Photo by A. Mole.
Exhibition view. Courtesy of the artists. Photo A. Mole.
Runo Lagomarsino, More Delicate Than the Historians Are the Map-Makers Colours, 2012-2013. HD video. Sound, color. Duration 18′. Courtesy of the artist, Mendes Wood DM, São Paulo, Nils Staerk, Copenhagen and Francesca Minini, Milan. Photo by A. Mole.
* La palabra en inglés before puede significar tanto «antes de» como «delante de» o «frente a». ** Trinity es el nombre en clave de la primera prueba nuclear realizada por las fuerzas armadas estadounidenses. *** Ensisheim es una ciudad del sur de Alsacia.