Premio Hoteles Catalonia del Loop Fair 2014 : Enríque Ramírez
Enrique Ramirez, Cruzar un Muro (2012) presented by Die Ecke Arte Contemporáneo (Santiago-Barcelona) Hoteles Catalonia Award LOOP Fair 2014
Cruzar un Muro (Crossing a Wall) is a film, inspired in the 13th Article of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, in which affirm that “Everyone has the right to leave any country, including his own, and to return to his country”. In this film, a waiting room, a public office of immigration matters, located in «somewhere», is the scenario that converges all the human aspirations of our time… The waiting, the conviction, the longing and the right of everyone to dream, to travel, to cross, to freedom of movement and residence within the borders of each state or to the right of return to their country of origin… All this is represented metaphorically in this scenario of fiction and reality.
Enlaces de interés :
- Presentación de los premios en el sitio web de Loop
- Presentación del video de Enrique Ramírez en el sitio web de Loop
- Sitio Web de Enrique Ramírez